The founding philosophy and the field of activity of ONUK-BG are to design and produce high technology, dedicated products for specific industrial and defence applications utilizing high performance materials such as FRP (Fiber Reinforced Polymer) Composites.
ONUK-BG, who is playing a major role in the development of indigenous industrial capabilities of Turkey, has differentiated itself positively from its national and international competitors with pioneering, innovative and dynamic design, production and engineering strategies led by its adopted principle: “Learn faster than the competition”. This principle has enabled ONUK-BG to acquire the position of sustainable leadership in its field. ONUK-BG is working with a perception beyond the commonly preconceived boundaries in order to meet the evolving and changing needs of the national and international industries.
As a solution oriented organization, we offer leading-edge, innovative products and solutions that fully meet customers’ quality and service expectations.
To have sustainable growth using internal resources.
To maintain technological leadership in the field of activity by making researches in collaboration with academic institutions and research organizations.
To create a facilitating environment for the well-being and education of team members and improve team work.
To create value for all stakeholders including team members, collaborators, customers and the community.